Our Story


We started the farm in 2020 when our youngest daughter, Madison, was in the agriculture program at Ashley Ridge High school. She won a bet with Chad if she got A/B honor roll she could get a horse. Well, she in fact got the A/B honor roll and chad had to negotiate a deal.. he told her instead of a horse what would be another animal she would want and she said goats.. so we started with some goats, then chickens, and then we received our first baby bull calf. He was a Hereford who was rejected by his mom, turning into a bottle baby named.. Oxford Wellington!

O.W. lived in our garage in a pen Chad built him for about 4 months while building our first pasture. We got two mini donkeys to be his pasture mates until we could decide what other cattle to purchase. He was so excited to have friends that is until they chased him and tried to bite him and he was not happy! He was a spoiled bottle baby lol.. but now he is way bigger than them so they don’t even mess with him anymore.

As a family owned and operated cattle company, we work together maintaining pastures, feeding animals, and utilizing our vet to better understand animal health and welfare. Over the past few years, we have slowly built up our herd to now 33 head. We process two times a year, so please contact us to be placed on our beef list!